
Image for Kelsey Gunn Befriends a Little Mouse in Strange 'Little Jar' Film Trailer |
Kelsey Gunn Befriends a Little Mouse in Strange 'Little Jar' Film Trailer | FirstShowin...

"We're friends... right??" Good Deed Ent. has released an official trailer for a strange little indie film titled Little Jar, the second feature (after 3 Tickets to Paradise) made by filmmaker Dominic López. This first premiered at the 2022 Austin Film Festival last fall, and it also played at la...

Image for Beyond the Quiet, Brilliance Resides - Overly Honest Reviews
Beyond the Quiet, Brilliance Resides - Overly Honest Reviews

TV SERIES REVIEW Little Jar - Genre: Comedy Year Released: 2023 Runtime: 1h 30m Director(s): Dominic López Writer(s): Kelsey Gunn, Dominic López Cast: Kelsey Gunn, Nicholas Anthony Reid, Jon Snow Where To Watch: on demand September 12, 2023 RAVING REVIEW: Halfway through writing this review, I de...

Image for Little Jar – Paris International Film Festival 2023 - Film Review - Franglais27 Tales
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Little Jar – Paris International Film Festival 2023 - Film Review - Franglais27 Tales

Little Jar is a heartfelt film demonstrating the casual way in which the necessity of daily social interactions is taken for granted.

Image for Little Jar Featured, Reviews Film Threat
Little Jar Featured, Reviews Film Threat

Little Jar, directed and co-written by Dominic López, is a comedic exploration of isolation during the pandemic lockdown. Ainsley (co-writer Kelsey Gunn) considers herself a misanthrope. However, when she's sent home from her job to quarantine indefinitely, she learns that her aversion to people ...