Aran Shiri

About me

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Hey, my name is Aran Shiri, I am 19 years old and I have completed my acting training at the Stage Academy of Switzerland. Acting is more than just a profession for me – it is my passion. With discipline and great dedication, I work to perfect my skills and continuously improve myself. My goal is to show the world what I can do and to be the best.

Young actor18-32 yearsSwiss, Iranian
Place of residence Obersiggenthal (CH)
Year of birth2005 (19 years)
Place of birthSchweiz
Driver's licensesMopeds up to 50 cc & 45 km / h, Car class
Eye colorbrown
Hair colorblack
Height (cm)196 (Aug 2023)
Weight (in kg)100 (Aug 2023)
LanguagesGerman(native)Persian (Farsi/Dari)(native)English
DialectsSwiss-German(native dialect)
AccentsItalianPersian (Farsi/Dari)Swiss
SingingOpera singing
Special skillsImpressionist/ voice impressionistImprovisationModelBarman
Primary professional training
Other professional training
Workshop Win with your Authentic self (Workshop production)
Aurelia Marine
A vase some dishes and a sip of truth (Short film) In development
Julian (MR)
Diego Benz Tedaja
ECHO picture
ECHO (Short film) In development
Artan (MR)
Milot Idrizi SAE-Institute
Kantönligeist picture
Kantönligeist (Short film)
Aran (SR)
Fiona Rosamillia
Dream a little dream of me picture
Dream a little dream of me (Short film)
Leo (MR)
Sofia Vignati
Dreamliner picture
Dreamliner (Short film)
Aran Shiri (MR)
Konstantin Reber Filmstudio 808
Eine stärkere Waffe picture
Eine stärkere Waffe (Short film)
Täter (MR)
Lukas Mörsch Lukas Mörsch
Chef in der Not picture
Chef in der Not (Short film)
Niko (MR)
Marcel Gärtner
Hydrangeas Blood picture
Hydrangeas Blood (Experimental movie)
Detective (SR)
Bruna Peirera Mind Maze Bruna Peirera
Das Berger Vermächtnis (Drama)
Paul Weber, Eduard Berger (MR)
Sameli Produktion Krimi-Dinner Vierwaldstättersee
Mercutio Tot (Drama)
Mercutio (MR)
Thik Theater Sauser & Bärlauch
Jonas (Hauptrolle)
Main role
Guido Pfiffner In Fernen Welten
Szenen Nachstellung, Ferris Buellers Day Off picture
Szenen Nachstellung, Ferris Buellers Day Off (Drama)
Cameron Frye (MR)
151 Studios
Szenen Nachstellung, Reservoir Dogs picture
Szenen Nachstellung, Reservoir Dogs (Drama)
Mr. Blonde (MR)
151 Studios Lucas Munch
360 Musikvideo picture
360 Musikvideo
Crew (SR)
Silvan Wagner
Zeit um über Geld zu sprechen picture
Zeit um über Geld zu sprechen (Other)
Aran Shiri (GR)
Jim&Jim Bank Cler
Abuse (Music video)
Jogger (SR)
Darling picture
Darling (Music video)
Schläger (MR)
Mary B. Good
Lernende Kampagne Zuger KB (Commercial) In development
Lehrling (MR)
Raphael Willi Tincan Motion
City Pop (Commercial)
Businessman (MR)
Mäx Känzig Allkind
ZHAW Werbefilm picture
ZHAW Werbefilm (Commercial)
Arroganter Typ (MR)
Agentur Wirz Studio Nord
CKW Werbefilm picture
CKW Werbefilm (Commercial)
Lehrling (MR)
Benjamin Brettschneider Markenfilm
Pfanner Eistee picture
Pfanner Eistee (Image series)
Bauarbeiter (MR)
Ford Spec Ad Commercial picture
Ford Spec Ad Commercial (Spec-Spot)
Jimmy (MR)
Yannick Scherer
Kinderspital Umzug picture
Kinderspital Umzug (Commercial)
Reicher Geschäftsmann (GR)
Shining Film Kinderspital Zürich Shining Film
Lidl Überfall picture
Lidl Überfall (Commercial)
Räuber (MR)
Jim&Jim Lidl Jim&Jim
Host (MR)
Moritz Hössli