
Елизавета Павленко

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Елизавета Павленко

About me

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Hello! My name is Lisa. I'm 24 years old and I'm an actress from Ukraine. A few years ago, I graduated Kyiv Film School. My native language is Ukrainian, and I also speak fluent English and Polish. In my acting career, I've played supporting roles in TV series in Ukraine and Poland, as well as in music videos and advertisements for the European market. I'm currently seeking diverse projects to develop my acting potential and bring characters to life for your story.

I'm presently based in Warsaw, Poland, but I'm open to working and living in London or any other city within the European Union. Let's create together!

Елизавета Павленко
Actor16-24 yearsUkrainian
Place of residence Warsaw (PL), London (GB)
Year of birth2000 (24 years)
Place of birthУкраина
Housing optionsKyiv (UA), Berlin (DE), Paris (FR)
Driver's licensesB - Car
Eye colorbrown
Hair colorbrown
Height (cm)38
Weight (in kg)50
SportTable tennisStage combat
DanceContemporary dance

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

2022 – 2023
Toyota (POS-Video/Film)
2022 – 2023
Pepsi (Spec-Spot)