Magdalena Berus

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Magdalena Berus

About me

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born 1993| graduated from Stella Adler Studio of Acting in New York|
Student of Theater Academy in Krakow

2024 |Walka z Cieniem| dir. Kinga Dębska| role: Hanka
2019 |Zenek| dir. Jan Hryniak| role: Sylwia
2018 |7 uczuć| dir. Marek Koterski| role: Gruby’s mother
2016-2018 |Druga szansa| TV series/TVN| dir. Łukasz Kośmicki |role: Justyna Iwaniuk
2017 |Szatan kazał tańczyć/Satan said dance| dir. Katarzyna Roslaniec| role: Karolina
2016 |White Tower| dir. Charlotte Rabate |role: Ania /short/
2016 |Pakt| dir.  Leszek Dawid| role:  Natalia Drabik| HBO
2016 |Ciepło-zimno| dir.  Marta Prus| main role: Sandra
2013 |Koniec| dir. Klaudiusz Chrostowski| role: Magda
2013 |Lasting| dir. Jacek Borcuch| main role: Karina Sobańska
2013 |Baby blues| dir. Katarzyna Rosłaniec| main role: Natalia


2018 |nomination for “Zbyszek Cybulski Award” for the role of Karolina in “Satan said dance”
2017 |laureate of the Best Actress Award at Valencia Film Festival (Cinema Jove) for the role of Karolina in “Satan said dance”
2017 |laureate of the Prix d’interprétation for the role in “Hot and Cold” in the European Film Competition of Nice Film Festival
2017 |laureate of the Off Plus Camera International Festival of Independent Cinema in Krakow Award for the Best Actress in Polish Feature Film Competition for the role of Karolina in “Satan said dance”
2014 |nomination for “Zbyszek Cybulski Award” for the role of Natalia in Baby Blues
2013 |laureate of “Gold Angel” for Arising Talent of Europeen Cinema of the 11th International Film Festival TOFIFEST in Torun
2013 |laureate of the 38 Gdynia Polish Film Festival Award for the Professional Acting Debut for the role of Natalia in Baby Blues
2013 |laureate of the Neisse FilmFestival in Zittau for the Best Actress for the role of Natalia in Baby Blues
2013 |laureate of the Off Plus Camera International Festival of Independent Cinema in Krakow for the Best Actress in Polish Feature Film Competition for the role of Karina in Lasting

Adriana Bialik
+48 885 352 540
open agency on Filmmakers
Place of residence Cracow (PL)
Year of birth1993 (31 years)
Place of birthRuda Śląska
Housing optionsKatowice (PL)
Eye colorgreen
Hair colorblond(e)
Height (cm)175
Weight (in kg)65
DialectsGliwice Silesian
SportInline skatingPilatesRunningSnowboardingYoga
DanceFreestyle danceHip hopPop
SingingHip HopPop songsJazz
Special skillsCatwalkImprovisationModelSinger-songwriterBarman