Maks Kubiś

Agencja Aktorska Dellart
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Maks Kubiś

Agencja Aktorska Dellart
About me

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🇬🇧 Hi, my name is Maks. I'm an actor, singer, and music producer. 
I graduated from AMDA - American Musical and Dramatic Academy and The New School University in New York City. Since graduation, I have performed in over a dozen plays and musicals in New York and Scotland (Fringe Theater Festival). 2017 brought my Broadway in the “Peter Shaffer Memorial” at American Airlines Theater alongside Alec Baldwin, Valorie Curry, and Christine Ebersole. I collaborate with actor Sam Underwood (“Dynasty”, “Dexter”, “Fear the Walking Dead”, and “Homeland”) on various music projects.
Selected film productions: "Two Shores", “Układ” (AXN), “Big Little Word”, "Napad",  “The Test”, “Can’t Stop The Surf ”, “Pandora’s Box”, "Na Wspólnej" 

Selected film and theatre music arrangements and compositions: “Dream of A Lost Earring”, “Power of Termination”, “Winter Cabin”, “I am” and “The Whale and the Dog Star”.

🇵🇱 Cześć, mam na imię Maks. Jestem aktorem, wokalistą i producentem muzycznym. Ukończyłem AMDA – American Musical and Dramatic Academy oraz The New School University w Nowym Jorku. Od ukończenia studiów wystąpiłem w wielu sztukach i musicalach w Nowym Jorku oraz Szkocji (Fringe Theater Festival). W 2017 roku miałem swój debiut na Broadwayu w “Peter Shaffer Memorial” w American Airlines Theater, obok Aleca Baldwina, Valorie Curry i Christine Ebersole. Współpracuję z aktorem Samem Underwoodem (“Dynastia”, “Dexter”, “Fear the Walking Dead” i “Homeland”) przy różnych projektach muzycznych.

Wybrane produkcje filmowe: "Two Shores", “Układ” (AXN), “Wielkie Słówka”, "Napad", “The Test”, “Can’t Stop The Surf”, “Pandora’s Box”, "Na Wspólnej". 

Wybrane aranżacje i kompozycje do filmów i teatru: “Dream of A Lost Earring”, “Power of Termination”, “Winter Cabin”, “I Am” oraz “The Whale and the Dog Star”.

Actor24-36 yearsPolish
Place of residence Warsaw (PL)
Year of birth1993 (31 years)
Place of birthPoland
Working permitsEuropean Union (EU-27)
SpecializationsComedian, Dubbing actor, Musical actor, Singer, Theater
Driver's licensesB - Car
Eye colorblue-green
Hair colorbrown
Height (cm)180
Weight (in kg)77
DialectsKashubian / Cassubian(native dialect)
InstrumentsElectric guitarBass guitarPiano
SportMountain bikeBilliardsBowlingFitness
DanceBalletTap dance
SingingBalladFolkPop songsRock
Special skillsSinger-songwriterBarmanImpressionist/ voice impressionistStudio musicianClown
Primary professional training