Max van Broek

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Max van Broek

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Max van Broek
Young actor18-26 yearsGerman
Place of residence Cologne (DE)
Place of birthBaden-Württemberg
Working permitsEuropean Union (EU-27)
Housing optionsVienna (AT), Berlin (DE), Melbourne (AU), Byron Bay (AU), Rotterdam (NL), Karlsruhe (DE), Konstanz (
SpecializationsModel, Dancer
Eye colorblue
Hair colordark blond(e)
Height (cm)187
Weight (in kg)80
DialectsBadisch(native dialect)
SportAcrobaticsGymnasticsArcheryBadmintonBoulderingFloor exerciseIce skatingRoller skatingTrampoliningYogaCapoeiraUnicycle
DanceChoreographyExpressionist danceFormation danceMajoretteContact improvisationHip hopImprovisation danceStripteaseTechnoBachataBalletBreak dancingStandardVoguing
SingingRock & RollSprechgesangSoul/RnB
Special skillsBarmanChoreographyModelStand-up comedy
Primary professional training
Distant Glow (Fashion movie) In development
Episode leader
Lisa Marie Eichholz & Fynn D‘Ortona
Komm mal näher - noch näher (Short film) In development
Consti (MR)
Zoe Kisura Annalié-Productions Helen Horstmann und Zoe Kisura