Mohamad Al Rashi

AAMCS Marie Claude Schwartz
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Mohamad Al Rashi

AAMCS Marie Claude Schwartz
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Mohamad Al Rashi Artistic director Actor and director Mohamad Al Rashi was born in Syria in 1970. Actor, director and musician. He graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts of Damascus in 1995. He began his professional life as an actor at the National Theater in Damascus. He co-founded Damascus Theater Lab with Oussama Ghanam in 2009. He participated at While I was waiting text by Mohammad Al Attar, staged by Omar Abussada. The show had a big European tour starting with the Avignon Festival in 2016 then, in Brussels, Lausanne, Naples, Zurich, Paris, Geneva, and an international tour took place in Japan, USA, and Australia. Mohammad is a regular collaborator with Collective Ma'louba in Theatre An der Ruhr. This collaboration started in 2017 at Your love is Fire, then Days in The Sun in 2018, and Danton Returns in 2021, all written by Mudar Alhagge. Since the end of 2014 he resides in Marseille, France. 

AAMCS Marie Claude Schwartz
Marie-Claude Schwartz
+33 6 14 77 60 69
open agency on Filmmakers
Actor55-65 yearsFrench, Syrian
Place of residence Marseille (FR)
Year of birth1970 (54 years)
Place of birthdamas
Working permitsEuropean Union (EU-27)
Housing optionsMarseille (FR)
SpecializationsMusical actor
Hair colorsalt & pepper
Height (cm)173
DialectsArabic - EgyptianMaghrebi Arabic
SingingArabian singingFolkSprechgesang
Special skillsSinger-songwriter
Primary professional training
The Green Border” - by Agnieszka Holland. -
Agnieszka Holland. - blick productions behi djanati atai
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