Philippe BOMBLED

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Philippe BOMBLED

About me

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Lucky to act since I was 13, I met many great directors and partners and authors who became a part of the my life. All this gave a real meaning to my work and I hope it will go on for a long time !!!

Philippe BOMBLED
Actor54-67 yearsFrench
Place of residence Paris (FR), Brussels (BE)
Year of birth1958 (66 years)
Place of birthGAP
Working permitsEuropean Union (EU-27)
Housing optionsGeneva (CH), Berlin (DE), Caen (FR), Strasbourg (FR), Toulouse (FR), Marseille (FR), Lille (FR), Toulon (FR), La Rochelle (FR), Lyon (FR), Nantes (FR)
Driver's licensesAM - Trike, quad, microcars up to 45 km/h, B - Car, B196 - Extension category B / small motorcycles, B96 - Extension category B / trailers
Eye colorgreen brown
Hair colorsilver
Height (cm)1
Weight (in kg)70
Ethnicity and heritageWhite or Caucasian
SingingA cappellaChoirOpera singingSongBluesClassic
Special skills(cartoon) voice acting
Primary professional training