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      Türkis - Blue filled with hope / 2019 / R: Carlotta Bücklein
      1. Now Playing
        Up NextTürkis - Blue filled with hope / 2019 / R: Carlotta Bücklein
      2. Now Playing
        Up NextMutter-Tochter mit Farben im Gepäck / 2018 / R: J. Dettling
      3. Now Playing
        Up NextTiere bis unters Dach / 2014 / R: Felix Binder
      4. Now Playing
        Up NextNeuanfang? / 2014 / R: Jürgen Dettling
      5. Now Playing
        Up NextUndercover / 2016 / R: Jürgen Dettling
      6. Now Playing
        Up NextAlles oder Nixx / 2008 / R: Christine Kallfaß
      7. Now Playing
        Up NextAlles oder Nixx / 2008 / R: Christine Kallfaß
      8. Now Playing
        Up NextRokko Molokko - Barfrau Chouchou / 2007 / R: J. Dettling
      9. Now Playing
        Up NextIphigenies Comeback / 2006 / R: J. Dettling
      10. Now Playing
        Up NextHast du mich verraten / 2005 / R: J. Dettling
      11. Now Playing
        Up NextRevolution in Zell / 1997 / R: Jürgen Dettling
      12. Now Playing
        Up NextTrailer